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In April 2010, there is no oil exploration operation in the Gulf of Mexico to compare with the Deepwater Horizon oil rig with its size or sheer depth of its drilling. However, the project for the BP oil company is beset with technical difficulties to the point where the general operational supervisor, Jimmy Harrell, and his Chief Electrical Engineer, Mike Williams, are concerned potentially dangerous trouble is brewing. Unfortunately, visiting BP executives, frustrated by the project's long delays, order curtailed site inspections and slanted system tests to make up for lost time even as Harrell, Williams and his team helplessly protest for the sake of proper safety. On April 20, the workers' fears are realized in the worst possible way when the rig's various structural and system flaws spark a catastrophic cascade of failures that would create a massive blowout and explosion that threatens them all, even as it also begins the worst environmental disaster in US history.
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Kebanyakan karakter merupakan tokoh satu dimensi, namun akting yang solid membuat mereka punya screen presence yang kuat. Russell cocok menjadi pimpinan yang suka ngedumel, tapi dihormati bawahan berkat dedikasinya pada pekerjaan bahkan saat tubuhnya terluka parah terkena pecahan kaca. Mike-nya Wahlberg adalah buruh biasa yang mau membantu orang lain tanpa memperhatikan keselamatannya sendiri, yang nantinya berubah menjadi jagoan khas film aksi, sekaligus pastinya melakukan stunt selevel jagoan film, entah itu berlarian di tengah kobaran api atau membuat loncatan yang hampir mustahil.
Source: ulasanpilem.com
Director: Peter Berg
Writers: Matthew Michael Carnahan, Matthew Sand
Cast: Mark Wahlberg, Kurt Russell, Douglas M. Griffin, James DuMont
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller
Released: 30 September 2016
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